Conservation Conversations with BCT & Landcare
Interested in knowing your property and what calls it home? You are invited to join us at for an open format session to provide an opportunity for Biodiversity Conservation Trust agreement holders (BCT) to consult and engage with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (before lunch - 10am to 12pm).
If you are not a holder of a BCT we still invite you for lunch (12pm - lunch provided) after which we will conduct small information session about some methods of monitoring your properties for wildlife and fauna which may include pest species. This will include guest speaker Micah from Sky Loka.
This event is being held at Banyula Conservation Reserve which is on Yaegl Country. Banyula is dedicated to preserving our natural heritage and local
biodiversity while creating a positive impact on the environment and local communities. Landcare NSW wishes to extend our gratitude with allowing us to hold this event at their facility.
Pre-registration is a must: